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NC Association of Environmental Professionals

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The NCAEP uses this site to keep our members and the public informed on the latest news and events concerning the environment and the environmental profession in North Carolina. Use the links below to access and comment on the latest news and postings.

  • 25 Aug 2021 9:54 AM | Kim Hamlin (Administrator)

    The full text of this Public Notice can be found at the following link:

    The Division of Water Resources (DWR) invites public comment on its draft 401 Water Quality General Certifications (GCs) that it may reissue as part of its consideration of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Wilmington District (USACE) proposed reissuance of ten Regional General Permits (RGPs) and one Programmatic General Permit (PGP), collectively, “General Permits” (GPs). On March 29, 2021, the USACE provided notice of its proposal to modify and reissue these current GPs.

    The public is invited to comment in writing to the DWR on the documents described above.  Comments should be emailed to:; please include “401GCs” in the email’s subject line.  Alternatively, comments may be mailed to the NC Division of Water Resources, Attn: Sue Homewood, 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd., Winston-Salem, NC, 27107. Comments must be received no later than close of business on September 24, 2021.

  • 19 May 2021 4:03 PM | Kim Hamlin (Administrator)

    The target audience for this workshop would include experienced NEPA planners, managers, decision-makers, environmental engineers/scientists/ specialists, consultants, regulators, applicants and attorneys who require an in-depth understanding of NEPA law, policy, and project management within their area of environmental expertise, especially those who serve on NEPA interdisciplinary teams, work with NEPA planners, or those who review/edit NEPA documents. This workshop will also benefit those professionals who work in related natural resource disciplines who work with federal land management or real estate transactions, federal agency projects or permitting, and transportation or other infrastructure projects with a NEPA review component.

    Thank you to our Advanced NEPA Workshop Committee!

    Marie Campbell, Michael Drummond, Pam Hudson, Lisa Mahoney, Chuck Nicholson, Michelle Rau, Michael Smith, Laura Thorne, and Fred Wagner

    For more information and to register, please visit:

  • 22 Feb 2021 9:48 AM | Kim Hamlin (Administrator)

    Registration is open for the NAEP 2021 Conference & Training Symposium! The event will be held virtually once again this year, and with a slightly lighter load to better suit your schedule. To view the schedule at-a-glance, click here. To register for this event, click here.

  • 06 Nov 2020 9:32 AM | Kim Hamlin (Administrator)

    This joint NAEP–ACRA webinar brings together cultural heritage and NEPA practitioners and attorneys to unpack the new NEPA definitions of Direct and Indirect Impacts, and Effects and discuss how these changes affect cultural resources review under Section 106 and NEPA. The panelists, Mathew Adams, Michael D. Smith Ph.D., and Heather Miller, Ph.D., along with moderator Marion Werkheiser, will highlight the recent James River transmission line court ruling (National Parks Conservation Association et al vs. Semonite) as a backdrop for the discussion. The panelists ask, “how would the James River court ruling be different under the new definitions?” The panelists will recap the court case, look at the new vs. old language and how it might have affected the ruling and its impact on future cases. They briefly present the history of the NEPA–106 process, assess traditional understandings of NHPA, and discuss how the new definition of effects will change consideration of cultural resources.

    Marion Werkheiser ties it all together and outlines several caveats and teaching points for moving forward (or is it back?) with a “modernized” approach.

    For more information and to register, click here.

  • 23 Oct 2020 8:14 AM | Kim Hamlin (Administrator)

    Experienced NEPA planners, managers, decision-makers, environmental engineers/scientists/ specialists, consultants, regulators, applicants and attorneys who require an in-depth understanding of the New Final Rule: “Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act," NEPA law, policy, and project management are invited to register for the NAEP Advanced National Environmental Policy Act Workshop.

    NAEP will host the workshop four times, once in each of four time zones. You only need to register for one workshop as the content is the same for all dates. 

    Workshops begin at 8:00 AM in their respective time zones. Please plan to attend the workshop that best accommodates your schedule.

    Register for the workshop here!


     Time Zone

    Friday, October 23, 2020


    Tuesday, November 10, 2020


    Monday, November 16, 2020


    Thursday, December 3, 2020



    • NAEP Members: $225
    • Non-Member Government: $275
    • Non-Member Chapter-Only: $315
    • Non-Members: $350

  • 25 Sep 2020 5:00 PM | Kim Hamlin (Administrator)

    Wow Wednesday Stormwater Webinars

    2020-2021 Webinar Series

    Every Third Wednesday from 11am-12pm

    Presented by: NC Department of Environmental Quality – Stormwater Program

    Attend a series of Free webinars for a year to hear industry professionals, DEMLR Stormwater staff, and local representatives provide information about all things stormwater! Industrial stormwater management, Green Infrastructure, Stormwater Control Measure design, Public Education and much more. A bonus is that you can fulfill your professional development needs. Registration for the webinars are open monthly.

  • 15 Sep 2020 5:39 PM | Kim Hamlin (Administrator)

    Nationwide Permits (NWPs) authorize certain activities under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is proposing to reissue its existing NWPs and associated general conditions and definitions, with some modifications. We are also proposing to issue five new NWPs. Two of those proposed new NWPs would authorize certain categories of mariculture activities (i.e., seaweed and finfish mariculture) that are not authorized by NWP 48. We are proposing to divide the current NWP that authorizes utility line activities (NWP 12) into three separate NWPs that address the differences in how different linear projects are constructed, the substances they convey, and the different standards and best management practices that help ensure those NWPs authorize only those activities that have no more than minimal adverse environmental effects. Specifically, we are proposing to modify the current utility line NWP 12 to authorize only oil and natural gas pipeline activities. Two proposed new NWPs would authorize activities associated with the construction, maintenance, repair, and removal of electric utility lines/telecommunication lines and utility lines that convey water, sewage, and other substances. The fifth proposed new NWP would authorize discharges of dredged or fill material into jurisdictional waters for the construction, expansion, and maintenance of water reuse and reclamation facilities. We are proposing these modifications to simplify and clarify the NWPs, reduce burdens on the regulated public, and continue to comply with the statutory requirement that these NWPs authorize only activities with no more than minimal individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects. The Corps is requesting comment on all aspects of these proposed nationwide permits.

    Submit comments on or before November 16, 2020.

  • 15 Sep 2020 5:30 PM | Kim Hamlin (Administrator)

    On June 1, 2020, the EPA finalized the “Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule” to implement the water quality certification process consistent with the text and structure of the CWA. The final rule published in the Federal Register on July 13, 2020, and will become effective on September 11, 2020.

  • 15 Sep 2020 2:47 PM | Kim Hamlin (Administrator)

    NAEP is excited to announce the recordings and materials from our first-ever Virtual Conference and Training Symposium are now available for purchase. If you weren't able to join us and would like to learn more from our great program of experts, now is your chance to catch up on what you missed. 

    Popular sessions from the Virtual Conference program: 

    • NEPA Updates with Mary Neumayr and Ted Boling
    • NEPA Reform: Real-World Perspectives on Streamlined Schedules, Less Expensive Process, and More Concise Documents (Take Two) with Brian Boose and Jennifer Warf
    • Miami Beach: Preservation Planning Model Update, Panel moderated by Carrie Chasteen

    The recordings and materials will be available for a limited time, until September 28, 2020. 

    Don't delay in purchasing all available session recordings and materials from the 2020 NAEP Virtual Conference and Training Symposium!
  • 07 Aug 2020 6:31 PM | Kim Hamlin (Administrator)

    The 2020 NAEP Virtual Conference and Training Symposium (also known as the 2020 NAEP Virtual Conference) invites environmental professionals from across the United States to share in the opportunity to learn about new projects, share technical knowledge, network with other industry professionals, and experience a new and unique experience. The 2020 NAEP Virtual Conference will cover a variety of topics and tracks including NEPA, Climate Change, Transportation, Planning and Permitting, Wildlife, Ethics, and Career Development!

    For more information and to register, click here!

PO Box #17512
Raleigh, NC 27619

NCAEP is registered 501(c)3 non-profit that promotes excellence in the environmental profession through events and scholarships.

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