Big Sweep Volunteer Clean Up at Falls Lake October 22 Please come join fellow NCAEP members and friends for the Big Sweep Volunteer day at Falls Lake on Saturday October 22, 2011. Falls Lake is a drinking water reservoir for more than 400,000 people! Volunteers will meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Highway 50 boat ramp (north of the intersection of Hwy 98 and Hwy 50) to receive instructions and trash bags from the ranger. We will then pick up trash along the shoreline as well as through the park in that area. We will work from 9:00 until 12:00. Bags and some trash grabbers will be supplied. Please bring gloves and orange vests (if possible) as the park ranger will have some available but will not be able to guarantee enough for everyone. NCAEP will also be providing refreshments.
Dress appropriately for the weather and the work, i.e. long sleeve shirts and pants.
Please register to help us have an accurate count for supplies.
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NCAEP is registered 501(c)3 non-profit that promotes excellence in the environmental profession through events and scholarships.