Come join us in Raleigh, NC to learn about the May 4th listing of the Northern Long-Eared Bar (Myotis septentrionalis).
Mary Frazer, Environmental Specialist with the North Carolina Department of Transportation, will provide a background to explain the listing; ecology; impact of white-nose syndrome; 4(d) rules; NCDOT’s NES work, and potential listing implications on projects.
The US Fish & Wildlife Service proposed the northern long-eared bat as endangered in October of 2013 due to the rapid population decline as a result of the white-nose syndrome. The “endangered” listing becomes effective on May 4, 2015, however, public comments will be received on the interim 4(d) rule through July 1, 2015.
DATE: May 14, 2015
Social Hour starting at 5:30 PM Dinner at 6:30 PM Speakers at ~7:00PM LOCATION: BB&Y Cafe
3700 National Drive, Raleigh, NC
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